A lot of people are shifting to sustainable practices of living to do their part. But why should we restrict these practices to personal hygiene when we can also talk of sustainable fashion? The fashion industry has been under the radar for generating tonnes of waste, along with being inhumane to
animals and the environment.
The industry has been bettering itself and getting quite innovative with the choice of sources for the fabrics too. Recycled food wastes, bamboo, among a lot of other things that will make you say, “They’re making fabric out of THAT?”
Why yes, they are, and that’s what sustainability comprises
of; varied naturals elements, ethical manufacture and distribution, and zero exploitation of labour, animals, or the environment.
To make your shift to sustainable fashion a little easier, here are eight eco-friendly fabrics to get you started!
1. Organic cotton
This one is an obvious choice for a natural and eco-friendly fabric.
‘Organic’ is the keyword here because regular cotton can result in so much water waste and also makes use of pesticides.

2. Organic Hemp
Hemp is the fabric that pops into everyone’s mind when they think of
sustainable clothing because it uses much less water than cotton, and is very similar to linen. However, since it’s harder to grow, it is a little heavier on the pockets than cotton or linen.
3. Linen
Soft, supple, and sustainable! Linen is a fabric which has been growing without pesticides, and with comparatively less water waste for many years now.

4. Econyl
it is also known as Recycled Nylon, and made from recycled plastic from fishing nets, plastic bottles and other things in this category. Although, you do need to keep in mind the microfibers that shed from this fabric.
5. Pinatex
As you might have guessed from the name, this fabric, which is a leather
replacement, comes from pineapples! It is vegan and biodegradable, but make sure it’s not covered in resin because that makes it not-so-ecofriendly.

6. Peace Silk
Also known as ‘No-violent silk’ is a great, sustainable alternative to silk. The
process to make peace silk allows the silkworms to grow into moths, so they’re not killed when their cocoons get boiled before being spun into threads. It’s fully humane with great longevity.
7. Denim
Denim, which is made with closed water systems and not treated with other
chemicals, is very sustainable because it is made from cotton and is perfect for long term wear!

8. Bamboo Lyocell
This one is a tree-fabric, which means that these are made from tree-pulp,
and are way more eco-friendly than rayon or nylon.
The primary element of sustainable clothing is, of course, the fabric. How do you categorize fabric as ‘sustainable’? It definitely needs to be manufactured ethically, should be reusable or recyclable easily,
and most importantly, should have the quality to last you for years. Keep these fabrics in mind when you start your journey in sustainability!