A few days back, I cut my hair short and donated the length to make wigs for cancer patients.
It all started three years back. My aunt told me that one of her friends donated hair to an organization that makes wigs for cancer patients. It jumped out at me, and I wanted to do the same. I searched online and found out a couple of organizations that accept hair from men and women. I felt a little disappointed as I had just cut my hair short. But I knew I had to do it somewhere down the line.
Eventually, after three years, I had grown my hair long enough to donate. I didn’t know how will I look, but I knew that I would be happy. So, I booked an appointment for a haircut at a salon near me. I washed my hair and went to the salon with my sister. With excitement to cut my hair for a purpose and get a new look, I took out my phone to show her the haircut I wanted. It was a bob-cut.

The lady, being an expert at her job, understood the look I wanted. Then I told her that I wanted to donate hair, and she had to cut my hair in a certain way. To my surprise, she knew the process and obliged. Leaving the minimum length required for the haircut, she tied a rubber band at the start, middle and end of my long hair. And within a few seconds, she cut my hair and gave the long ponytail in my hands. It felt awesome! I gave the eleven inches ponytail to my sister. She kept it safely in a bag, and I proceeded to get my new haircut. I Loved how the new look came out.
The next day I kept my hair in a waterproof envelope and posted it to Cope With Cancer, along with my details. They received it and sent me a digital certificated of appreciation.
Cope With Cancer is an organization that encourages hair donation for cancer patients and provides free wigs to them. At least six to seven women’s hair are required to create one wig. No matter your hair is straight or curly, grey or coloured. If you have at least 12 inches of healthy hair, you can donate it too. Here is the process:
- Go to any salon for getting your haircut. Make sure that your hair is washed and dried.
- Tie rubber bands at both the ends of your hair before cutting. Hair donation for cancer patients and creation of wigs requires at least 12 inches of hair. However, different organizations have different criteria. But it’s good to give away at least 10 inches.
- Cut your hair, and don’t let them fall on the ground.
- Place your ponytail in a plastic bag and send them to your preferred organization. Once your hair reaches its destination, you may get confirmation and a certificate of appreciation.
If you wish to donate your hair for cancer patients, here are some resources for you:
Hair Donation Mumbai: https://www.copewithcancer.org/hair-donation
4 Places Where You Can Donate Hair
Every Little bit counts.
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