Every day about 8 million pieces of plastic pollution enter the ocean. Using a plastic bag or a plastic water bottle seems like an action we sometimes take so unconsciously. But have you ever thought about what happens to the plastic after we throw it away? Most of the time, plastic is just tossed-away in the oceans. The tiny innocent marine animals eat this plastic, and most of the time, it’s fatal. Increasing plastic pollution is a severe threat to marine life.
“The clock is ticking; we must confront this challenge before plastics overwhelm the ocean.”
-George Leonard
There are small, tiny actions that will help in saving the ocean and reduce marine pollution.
1. Reduce The Use Of Plastic
Try and make use of non-plastic products. Swap your plastic carry bags with cloth bags. Do not use disposable plastic cutlery. All these actions will reduce the creation of plastic trash and further reduce pollution. In the end, it is about the choices you make.
2. Recycle Properly
Only 9% of the plastic is recycled. Recycling keeps plastic out of the ocean. It also reduces the creation of new plastic. It is one of the small ways to stop plastic from entering the ocean and disrupting the marine ecosystem.
3. Use Eco-friendly Products
Make use of metal straws instead of plastic straws, Stainless-steel bottles, reusable shopping bags, etc… Eco-friendly items are pro-environment and can be easily recycled. By using these products, you reduce your contribution to plastic and promote a clean, plastic-free environment.
4. Help In Cleaning The Beaches
While taking a walk on our favorite beach, it must have hardly happened that the beach was spotless and clean. There is always some trash littered across the beach. It not only reduces the beauty of the beach but also damages the fragile ecosystem. Furthermore, it enters the sea and adds to the cycle of marine pollution. So, go with your peers and friends and try to clean these beaches. Join the organizations that take initiatives in cleaning the beaches.
5. Reduce The Use Of Products With Micro-beads
Micro-beads are a prime ingredient of many of the toothpaste, face washes, scrubs, etc,. These micro-beads do not dissolve and end up entering many water streams. The fishes, turtles, and other aquatic beings feed on these beads. The microbeads clog in their stomach and intestines. Because of this, the animals die or suffer from severe health problems. But we can change this. We can reduce our use of the products containing micro-beads and enlighten others to do the same.
6. Stand-up And Speak-up
Spread as much awareness as you can. Let people know the adverse effects of their actions and how they are killing innocent aquatic beings. Join organizations that work in reducing marine pollution. Speak up if you see anyone contributing to pollution. Be an advocate of reducing marine pollution and saving the dying ecosystems.
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